What are the specifications of Bonotec adhesive packaging?
Bonotec Electronic Materials is an adhesive solution provider which specializes in packaging and bonding materials in the electronics field.Our products are widely used across numerous industries with the focus on electronics assembly and semiconductor packaging.For more information, please call 021-52272688.
Which industries are UV adhesive mainly used in?
Bonotec Electronic Materials is an adhesive solution provider which specializes in packaging and bonding materials in the electronics field.Our products are widely used across numerous industries with the focus on electronics assembly and semiconductor packaging.For more information, please call 021-52272688.
How are the Bonotec products packed and shipped? How long are the Bonotec products Stored?
Bonotec Electronic Materials is an adhesive solution provider which specializes in packaging and bonding materials in the electronics field.Our products are widely used across numerous industries with the focus on electronics assembly and semiconductor packaging.For more information, please call 021-52272688.
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